A food allergy results when the immune systems mistakenly
attacks a food protein (food allergen). While more than 160 food items can
cause allergic reactions, just 8 of those accounts for 90 percent of all
reactions. These 8 foods are known as the “Big 8.”
Cross-contact is the transfer of an allergen from a food
containing the allergen to a food that does not contain the allergen. One of
the most important ways you can keep guests with food allergies safe is by
preventing cross-contact.
Here are steps to avoid cross-contact: - Wash, rinse and sanitize cookware, utensils and equipment after handling a food allergen.
- Wash your hands and change gloves before prepping food.
- Use separate fryers and cooking oils when frying food for guests with food allergens.
- Prep food for guests with food allergens in a separate area.
- It is okay to use the same spoon to scoop peanuts and greens at a salad bar. True/False
- Do not bake chocolate chip cookies on the same baking sheet as peanut butter cookies. True/False
- It is acceptable to handle a banana-nut muffin and a chocolate chip muffin with the same pair of gloves. True/False
Visit LRAblogs each week for a new activity to train and educate you on properly accommodating guests with food allergies.
Answers: #1 False; #2 True; and #3 False.
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