Thursday, May 10, 2012

Work comp coverage is Louisiana law

Let the Louisiana Restaurant Association Self Insurer's Fund quote your workers' comp today!

Did you know if you own a business in Louisiana, you are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance? What would you do if one of your employees slipped and fell in the kitchen and you were without workers’compensation coverage?
Not only would you have be responsible for the out-of-pocket medical expenses, you could also be sued for lost wages due and pain and suffering.

“Workers’ Comp coverage is not an option,” said Stan Harris, President and CEO, LRASIF. “If you are found to not have coverage, you can be charged as much as $10,000 in fines.”

You should also ask any service provider for your business for an insurance certificate to verify they have workers compensation coverage in place. If not, an injury to one of their employees could be charged to the restaurant who hired the service provider.

The Louisiana workers’ comp law applies to all employers in this state regardless of the number of employees. It is not necessary that the employment be dangerous or involves any forseeable risk of injury. In fact, the act establishes the presumption that anyone rendering service for another in any trade, business or occupation is an employee.

“Owners should not assume that their personal health insurance will cover an accident that occurs while working,” Harris added. “In most cases, they will be denied coverage. Owners who are actively involved in the day-to-day operations should strongly be included in coverage.”

The LRASIF is a participant owned workers’ compensation fund for the hospitality industry. Workers’ comp coverage with the LRASIF offers competitive rates, free loss prevention services, responsive member service and support and expert industry-specific claims handling.

"The service we get from the LRASIF, the timeliness, how fast they get information to us, get our employees in to see doctors to get treatment and get our employees back to work is what it's all about," said Tommy Cvitanovich, Drago's Seafood Restaurant owner.

The video contained in this post is a testimony from Cvitanovich about why he has coverage with the LRASIF, which covers restaurant and hospitality businesses within Louisiana.

“The LRASIF is a tremendous benefit that positively affects our bottom line,” said Katy Casbarian, co-proprietor of Arnaud’s Restaurant and an LRASIF member since 1983.

For more information about how the LRASIF can help you with workers’ compensation, quotes and workplace safety, call Debbie Cuccia or Michelle Guidroz at (504) 454-2277.

Are you covered? Let us have your back.

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