“Looking at demographics is extremely important for
restaurant operators. One primary influencer on spending is income, in that the
more cash-on-hand consumers have, the more they are likely to spend dining
out,” said Hudson Riehle, senior vice president of the Research & Knowledge
Group for the National Restaurant Association. “Our report breaks down income
levels and other important factors to show how spending on food away from home
can vary significantly according to household traits and composition.”
“For example, households with annual income above
$70,000 comprise a third of all households but account for 56 percent of total
spending on food away from home. And, young adults who have not yet reached
their peak earning years spend less dining out when counting dollars, but a
higher proportion of their total food budget compared with families with
children,” Riehle said.
According to the report, average household spending
in restaurants was $2,678 in 2012 (or $1,071 per person), an increase of 2.2
percent over the previous year. Broken down by region, the Northeast and the
West outspent the Midwest and the South. Breaking it down further by major U.S.
city, Washington, D.C. led the nation both in levels of spending and proportion
of total food budget spent in restaurants.
Based on 2012 Bureau of Labor Statistics data, Consumer
Spending in Restaurantsbreaks down spending patterns by household income,
age of household head, household size and composition, ethnicity, number of
household earners and occupation. In addition, it breaks the information down
by region, as well as Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) in each region.
As with all the NRA’s research publications, NRA
members receive a 50 percent discount. For details, visit Restaurant.org/Research.
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