The Gulf Seafood Institute (GSI) has
testified the U.S.
Department of Commerce and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
should be held responsible for maintaining the strongest, clearest voices and
maintaining final authority in determining the sustainability of fisheries, as
well as the responsibility in communicating that message to consumers.
With a mission to protect the Gulf’s
unique culture and environment, GSI is working to elevate the Gulf seafood
brand with consumers, customers and policy leaders through advocacy, education
and science.
The Institute represents every Gulf
state, as well as every aspect of the industry – both commercial and
recreational – and has become one of the leading voices on key issues including
sustainability, seafood safety, disaster mitigation and recovery, and data
One of its main missions is to bolster
fisheries science and research helping to preserve the Gulf seafood resource
and contribute to the longevity of the industry. Formed in July 2013, it is
currently organizing under the laws of the state of Louisiana, and seeking
approval of the Internal Revenue Service for 501(c)(6) status.
“When it comes to ensuring the
sustainability of our nation’s fisheries, GSI supports the process outlined
under the Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act because it
is working,” said Harlon Pearce, who was instrumental in bringing together
seafood leaders to form GSI, and owner of Harlon’s LA Fish in New Orleans. “The Department
of Commerce, the National Marine Fisheries Service and the eight Regional
Fishery Management Councils work together to monitor, manage and enforce a
program that has led the United States to its position as a global leader in
responsibly managed fisheries and sustainable seafood.”
Standards of
SustainabilityCurrently the federal agencies overseeing fisheries are guided by Ten National standards of sustainability. Together these agencies monitor, manage and legally enforce all marine fisheries in the United States under the most restrictive regulations in the world.
“Since 2000, 32 fish stocks in the U.S.
have been rebuilt,” said Johnny Greene, an Alabama charter captain and a member
of the board of directors of the newly-formed Gulf Seafood Institute. “U.S.
fish populations are rebuilding and overall fish abundance is improving.
Routine stock assessments conducted by fishery scientists indicate that the abundance
of the stock is above the maximum sustainable yield, however there is a need
for more and quicker assessments.”
“Protecting our fisheries and ocean
ecosystems is imperative, but getting U.S. seafood on the plates of consumers
is equally important for both public health and for the economy of the U.S.
seafood community,” said board member Chris Nelson, vice president of Alabama Bon Secour
Fisheries. In order to be comfortable choosing seafood when making
mealtime decisions, consumers must be confident in the sustainability of our
In the testimony GSI applauded NOAA’s FishWatch
program as the primary tool to educate the public about seafood sustainability.
The prograram was designed to provide easy-to-understand, science-based facts
to help consumers make smart, and sustainable seafood choices.
According to NOAA, FishWatch does not
discriminate against one fishery or advocate for another, nor is it an Eco
label or certification. Rather, FishWatch is designed to help consumers
understand the science, laws and management processes working to protect our
seafood supply.
Despite NOAA’s efforts on
sustainability messaging, the organization feels not enough is being done for
federal agencies. The abundance of third-party seafood certification programs
competing for the public’s trust and attention has clouded the waters.
Market Demands for
More Traceability“Market demands for more traceability have led to the emergence of several Gulf-based programs including Gulf Seafood Trace and the state of Louisiana’s own seafood certification program,” explained David Krebs, president and owner of Ariel Seafoods in Destin, FL and GSI board member. “These programs are supported by many in the commercial seafood community and are seen as a positive compliment to federal data on sustainability by telling consumers a bigger story about where their seafood comes from.”
He feels other programs that pit
certain species against one another based on various and somewhat arbitrary
criteria, go beyond simple traceability and lead to confusion rather than
clarity in the marketplace.
The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and the Monterey
Bay Aquarium have sustainability certification programs that are increasingly
being relied upon by consumers, retailers and restaurants, oftentimes more than
the U.S. government’s own FishWatch program.
The MSC, a London-based 501(c)(3)
charity setting standards for sustainability and seafood traceability, has
partnered with some of the world’s leading retailers to help promote certain
seafood products that meet their criteria. The Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood
Watch program makes recommendations regarding which seafood items are “Best
Choices,” “Good Alternatives,” and which ones to “Avoid.”
Unlike NOAA’s process that encourages
public participation at every level, much of the third-party seafood
certification is less transparent, as well as costly to seafood businesses
participating in the program.
Over-Abundance of Third-Party
“The over-abundance of third-party
seafood labeling programs, oftentimes leaves the American public confused as to
which products meet sustainability criteria,” explained Jim Gossen, chairman of
Louisiana Seafoods, and a GSI board member. “Compounding this
confusion is the fact that third-party recommendations often run counter to
recommendations provided by NOAA’s FishWatch.”
One example of confusion lies in Tuna.
A third-party seafood certification programs lists most canned tuna as
something to “Avoid”, while FishWatch provides consumers more detailed
information on the species. Tuna harvested in the United States it is
inherently sustainable as a result of a rigorous U.S. management process
ensuring fisheries are continuously monitored and improved.
As one of the least expensive
seafood’s, Tuna is a readily available source of healthy seafood for families
on a tight budget. Following third-party programs would make it difficult for a
vast majority of Americans to meet their recommended three seafood meals per
week per USDA’s dietary guidelines.![]() |
Stan Harris, CEO of the LRA and GSI Board Member, meets with the staff of Mississippi Representative Steven Palazzo during one of his frequent trips to the Hill. |
In its testimony, GSI feels NOAA has a
responsibility to alleviate confusion and encourage Americans to make more
trips to the seafood counter by launching a stronger communication and outreach
program on seafood sustainability. Consumers actively seek input on
sustainability and want information to come from the government, not from
privately funded third parties.
“Government organizations needs to
establish a closer working relationship with third-party seafood certification
programs,” said Stan Harris, CEO of the Louisiana Restaurant Association. “In a survey of
nearly 2,000 consumers conducted in 2011 by the Gulf Seafood Marketing
Coalition, respondents stated they were most comfortable with seafood data
provided by the federal government, over and above data from private industry
and environmental organizations.”
With the USDA pushing their updated
seafood consumption guidelines and clarifying guidance for pregnant women, GSI
states in testimony “now is an ideal time for the Administration to marry the
concepts of healthy and sustainable seafood in their messaging materials.”
Better Communications
No one understands the importance of robust communications better than the Gulf seafood community. In the wake of the Deepwater Horizon incident in the Gulf of Mexico, overcoming public perception that fisheries were “tainted” became the biggest challenge to the Gulf fishing community’s economic recovery.
Consumers avoided Gulf seafood on a
massive scale for months. Following a multi-million dollar marketing campaigns
undertaken by the Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana Seafood Boards, as well as
the Gulf Seafood Marketing Coalition and others, consumers are finally
returning to Gulf seafood three years after the oil spill.No one understands the importance of robust communications better than the Gulf seafood community. In the wake of the Deepwater Horizon incident in the Gulf of Mexico, overcoming public perception that fisheries were “tainted” became the biggest challenge to the Gulf fishing community’s economic recovery.
Testimony cites the numerous letters
from U.S. Senators to federal agencies calling for support in actively
promoting the safety of Gulf seafood and asking for strong refutation of
unscientific claims. While the issue of sustainability remains separate from
safety, there is clearly a need for strong communications from NOAA and its
partners on both sides of the seafood coin.
“The General Service Administration
recently rescinded their guidance that the National Park Service look to
third-party seafood certification programs form seafood certifications,’ said
GSI board member Corky Perret. “However, the fact that the policy was issued in
the first place is a cause for alarm, compound by the fact NOAA was never even
consulted prior to the agency issuing this guidance. ”
Perret believes NOAA’s outreach team
has their work cut out for them. He feels if the Administration’s own
personnel are not looking to NOAA for the facts on sustainability, the American
public certainly can’t be expected to.
“While many in the seafood community
appreciate and support third-party seafood certification programs, it’s not the
federal government’s place to dictate whether and how these privately-funded
programs are utilized in the marketplace,” explained Margaret Henderson,
President of Henderson Strategies and political advisor to the board.
“With Congress looking to GSI as a leading voice for the Gulf seafood
community, it is important for us to get on record with formal testimony
outlining this position.”
“The Gulf Seafood Institute stands
ready to assist Congress, the Committee and the Administration in any way
possible to get out the positive story on Gulf seafood sustainability,” said
Pearce. “We are pleased to see a majority of the Senate Commerce Committee
agrees with our position on third party certification, and we look forwarding
to working with them on this and other issues moving forward.”
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