Now, thanks to the efforts of the National and Louisiana
Restaurant Associations, ServSafe Alcohol, online server training has arrived,
for the first time, in the Bayou State! It’s convenient, interactive,
state-approved, available 24/7 and costs just $30.
Restaurant servers, bartenders, and convenience and grocery
store cashiers must have an alcohol server permit according to Louisiana law. A
permit is good for four years, before it expires and the server has to repeat
the course.
Videos, case studies and quizzes help you retain the lessons
during the 2-3 hour ServSafe Alcohol course, which can be taken anywhere you
have internet access and a PC.
From the alcohol content of wine, beer and spirits, how
alcohol is absorbed in the body and then leaves the body, to the factors that
affect someone’s blood alcohol content (BAC), servers will gain the knowledge
needed to serve alcohol safely and responsibly.
Communication is a big focus of the ServSafe Alcohol online
training course and is the responsibility of all employees—managers, doorstaff,
valets, security staff, servers and bartenders. It’s the central theme
throughout the training and staff communications can reduce intoxication,
altercations and accidents.
Permits are issued by the Louisiana Office of Alcohol
Tobacco Control and once you’ve passed the course, your printable ServSafe
Alcohol Certificate is acceptable until your permit is received.
This is the online approved online course in Louisiana! Visit
www.laserverpermit.com to learn
more or take your course today.
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